I reached kerala 3 days back. So far its been pretty busy.
Met my Grandmas.. both are quite alrite except for the old age part.
My cousin got married yesterday and I feel so happy for him. He is too great a guy and unfortunately God put quite a lot of troubles all around him. anyways hope the future holds great days ahead!
the wedding wasnt the usual super extravagant stuff that i see, it was simpler and in certain areas there was that element of sincerity which was heartwarming. Booze flowed all around and everyone had sheepish smiles and big grins on. well, whatever makes you happy ;).
Sad part for kids who have studied away from hometown or 'native place' is meeting relatives, 'close relatives'...and not knowing exactly who they are.
You put on your sincerest smile and speak to them, and then look around desperately for someone to come and help you out.
Nice, A has seen your misery and is coming towards you, A walks straight to you, smiles at 'unknown' and asks you "Da ninakku manasilaayille ?" Didnt you recognize (this person). You think deep inside.. well if i did, would i have made such a lost dog face that brought you here in the first place. but you continue the game "Manasilaaayi, pakshe krithyamaayi parayaan patunilla... kandu nalla parijayam umm..err...mmm" Ofcourse i know, but i cant place exactly (the person), have seen so many times.. umm..err..mmm
After the stage has passed when unknown makes sure how bad it feels that I didnt know him/her. This is usually the same stage when your face resembles a nice red tomato.. Unknown is now Known... greetings are exchanged.. and you move on..
Ahh great your ma is introducing you to unknown 2... Ma is doing A's part herself.. how sweet!
This game goes on till you are back home...
I hate it and feel real bad that i dont know so many wonderful people. I wish i knew them better. thats one side of the weddings part, you get to meet people you should be knowing!
wonder if this post makes much sense..