a quick word blog,
sorry for neglecting you for so long. Was busy for quite sometime.. finished 5 projects this year.. yea.. work... sh*t! Had clicked Aug 15 celebrations pics at IHS, but didnt upload. Had clicked Onam celebrations, didnt upload...
k, enough of the useless ranting.
Since Mom is not here, Onam wasn't exciting enough. Still, got to eat the best ada pradhaman in dubai, thanks to a cousin's exceptional skills!(not as good as Amma's ofcourse) but thats not whats 'Happening' now! the happening is mentioned below!!
Its Ramadan, the holy month, I have been skipping lunch everyday! more important: Have been attending Sanskrit classes.. right here in Dubai! (Samskritam :) for almost a week now, well it can also be described as a beginner's workshop. Thanks to the Samskrita Bharati people, the volunteers etc. Its fantastic.
Mama Achaarasya Naama Vasuvaj! and he is a fantastic guy! Till now he has spoken only in Sanskrit and we understand everything. One thing is how well he expresses, other i believe is as he mentioned, Sanskrit is in our blood. I agree completely. The classes are interesting, with students being asked to write scripts, act it out etc. and did I mention the pretty girls? yup.. Swami Saranam ;)
The occult has always fascinated me, maybe this would be a stepping stone, plus now all the shlokas would mean something more!! One thing i learnt today that Maarjaara means cat, that explains "meesha maarjaaran" in that comic! wow hehehe!!!
cannot finish this post without a reference to Oppenheimer, that one quote from the Gita,
If the radiance of a thousand suns were
to burst at once into the sky,
that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.
Now I am become Death,
the destroyer of worlds.
Not a perfect translation, a good one though. If you want to read more about this particular part of his life, whether he did say it etc.. here's a
good link. for more about him, wiki is good enough.
Its interesting that this man was proficient in Sanskrit, but then.. arent they all? its just the Indians who dont get it!!!.. and yes i have an obsession with both WWs esp the Germans in WW2.
meanwhile, ba$tards struck in Delhi yesterday, many many people died, I will not give space to that in the blog. prayers.
Aham Samskritam Padaami ... :)
useful link :