Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mannathu Padmanabhan is not my Grandfather

Yesterday my friend F was home. As he was looking around, a framed pic of an old man caught his eye. In all innocence he looked at me and asked if it was my Grandfather. It was a pepsi through the nose moment.

The picture was that of Mannathu Padhmanabhan.

I laughed! Damn right I did.. funny.. a couple of years back I didnt know better :))

Source of Stamp above: Thankyou Subamenu.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stranger in the Mirror

It finally happened. Last saturday, I cut my hair.. made it regular size.
If that wasnt bad, I uploaded a pic of it and my friends said its good... watttt???!!!!
Damn.. when I went to get it cut, forget me, even the barber was upset!!!

- 30 minutes not required to towel, dry, cream, tie every morning
- no more hair fall like that!

- I see a stranger in my mirror; he shows me the finger n laughs!!!


My parents like eating at X restaurant.

I dislike eating at X restaurant.

Yesterday we had dinner at X restaurant.

I am nice