Bored/frustrated cat seen watching the world passing by. The world took a pic and uploaded it. Looks like the world is bored and frustrated aswell. hmm.. does that count as a metaphor?
The earlier post
How not to ask her phone number, if I am honest is supposed to be followed up with other lessons like:
How not to call her up
How not to email her and
How to avoid lame jokes in emails.
But NO, the posts wont be coming anytime soon. Because after each goof up I am still trying. And I am hell bent on writing something positive ONLY.
Something appreciable as iam known to give up pretty quick in certain areas ;) This is a social experiment afterall :))
Have had a rather interesting past few weeks, one being the disco dandiya 2008. music sure is the purest form of the drug. enjoyable evening. Sightings include Guys who seem to have spent their life savings on Hair Gel, Hair colors, Hair clips and piercings. Girls.. well, pretty girls ;). Families, children, a fine day where iam sure all ages enjoyed.
Was the show a bit disorganised. Yes.
Was there booze at the venue. No.
Other recent developments is that my long held belief that bollywood produces only trash has changed a bit. Saw Mumbai meri jaan and Rock On. Very good movies. About TZP going to Oscars , sad. we can do better than that! I mean TZP was good, but not so good.
Trying to take a week off to visit India soon. Hope it happens.